Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Cheese on Toast

Yum. Just woofed down 2 bits of yumbo cheese on toast with a bit of chutney. So so good to be eating at 12:07am. Nice. Gotta be up in 5.5 tutorial at 7am.

Recovering from the lack of any kind of 'rest' over the last few weeks! Been great though, the conference on Sat was so ace. God filled the place and touched so many lives. Was amazing to see all our hard work come together and to stand there and see it as a final product was very cool:) For months we have been dreaming up this concept, and planning each and every part...and we were awestruck just standing there on Saturday morning, amazed at the fact that it was actually THE day!

Everyone worked so hard...we were there til 4am the night before, popped home for an hour's sleep then back there at 7am. Was a full on team effort to setup, tree branches hoisted, black curtains hung to cover the pics of school stuff in the boys school hall, ribbons hung, seats covered, satin draped, banners hung, flowers arranged, leaves spray painted, spotlights positioned under the trees (see pics - cool effect huh?!) we prayed up a storm and and it all came together without a hitch:) 800 gift bags each with stunning earrings, mini perfumes, chocolates, all donated and presented perfectly...I'm so honoured to be working with such awesome people with such generous hearts.

We were all just standing there as soon as the band started playing with smiles on our faces as 800 women, girls, chicks and grannys began to worship, touch God, and discover the dreams and passions written on their hearts...I was like "yup. This is WHY we do this".

Was hard at the same time though, cos I missed out on Tari's Drinks on Friday night :( and Pen's B'day drinks on Saturday :(:( ...ah...?!?! I am sorry girls...HAPPY BIRTHDAY - this one goes out to Pezza Burzza!!!

So other news...I got a JOB!!!! At a Kinder/Learning cool! Tues and Thurs mornings, I will be teaching 2s, 3s and 4 yr old classes! So excited! Been waiting faithfully...finally yay! Start next week, I'm taking over a girl that's leaving, so I need to make the transition smooth...gee, sounds familiar for some reason...;)

Anyway...I am off to beddy byes. Ah God is so good.

Peace out...bless ya guys;)

N :)


Blogger HeidiHeidiJoy said...

That is SO kickin' AWESOME. I'm so jealous. I'm DYING for a wonderful women's conference (resembling coulour on a small scale) in the Vine of course :) Anyhow. SNAPS to Nat. Also, I'm jealous of Cheese Toast. Aussie Cheese ROCKS my world. Love you girl.

2:37 PM  
Blogger Carmen Read said...

Hello there NAT BOX!!!!!!!!
I am glad youve updated! :) ill e-mail you asap.. its late here and i need to SNORRRrrr
Be blessed big sister! Although you aint in HK, I send LOVE from here to YOu! You rock the socks of HK! :) much much love, God is too wonderful! x

1:52 AM  
Blogger Derek said...

nazzzzzzzzzz. congrats on the job! sounds ALL too familiar....

10:49 AM  
Blogger Jane Perry said...

Hi sweetheart,

A technical question for you. How do you post pictures into your entry so they appear in the CENTER of the entry, two in a row (like for example the ones of you and Kaz). I am so bad at blogging - arghhh!

Congraltuations on the awesome outcome of your event. The room looked wonderful. Am very pleased you got everything out of it (and more by it seems) that you hoped.

Love you


3:15 PM  

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